Travel Parent Handbook

Travel Parent Handbook

LASA Travel Soccer Parent Handbook



Louisa Area Soccer Association (LASA) Structure

LASA is run by a Board of Directors who oversee the association’s budget, administration, fundraising, and player fees.  LASA is a member of Virginia Youth Soccer Association (VYSA) and U.S. Club Soccer.


The LASA travel program is for players (and families) who want to participate in a more competitive, region-wide league.  Players have a greater level of commitment and are expected to be motivated to compete at a higher level.   The LASA travel program strives to develop creative, confident players that will go on to be competent leaders both on and off the field.  


The travel year has two periods: the Fall season (August-November) and Spring season (March-June). When you sign up for travel, you are generally agreeing to both seasons.  Individual circumstances may be worked out with your coach. The U14 and above age groups may not compete in the Spring due to the overlap with the High School soccer program.  Practice and game schedule will be shared by coaches as soon as it becomes available.

Travel Player ID Sessions

Tryouts will be held in May prior to the following Fall season.  Players will be evaluated by the coaching staff in the four major areas of soccer abilities:  Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Psychological.  Coaches will attempt to be objective and use their best judgment while evaluating all players. Tryouts will be divided by age groups when possible. It may be necessary to hold a supplemental tryout for the Spring season. All players must try out every season, there is no guarantee a player will make the team the following year.

Team Placement 

LASA coaches will strive to select players to the most developmentally appropriate team to create the most positive soccer experience.  Players will be placed on teams according to birth year.  Per VYSA and US Club Soccer rules, a player may be chosen to play up a year (for example, a U12 player can play on a U13) but a player cannot play below their age group.  


We aim to make this an affordable experience for Louisa County Youth, with a focus on the essentials and an entirely volunteer-run organization.  Yearly fees will be published before the tryout date.  Upon acceptance to the team, season dues and all applicable paperwork will be expected by the first practice session. Yearly fees will include league fees (VPSL), tournament fees, player registration and insurance (US Club Soccer), field rental and maintenance(LCPRT), referee pay (LASA), and equipment.  Uniforms will be purchased separately by new players or when worn or outgrown and include two full kits (jerseys, shorts, and socks).

LASA reserves the right to change fees, and refunds will only be given in extreme circumstances (such as a move or injury preventing a player from finishing a season).

Required Documents

Players will be required to register with US Club soccer and will be issued a player card.  A recent photograph and copy of a birth certificate are required for registration.  Players are also required to fill out a US Club Soccer R002 Medical Release form.  Players and parents will be asked to sign LASA’s code of conduct.


All LASA coaches are volunteers.  Head coaches will have earned a minimum of the USYS Grassroots Certification, with at least one season of coaching experience at the appropriate age level.  Each team will be assigned one head coach and one assistant coach/manager per team by the LASA Board of directors. All adult volunteers will complete a yearly Safesport training as required by US Club Soccer and USYS.  They will also be held accountable with a Coaches Code of Conduct set forth at the beginning of the year.

The head coach will have overall responsibility for the team, and he or she should be your first contact in the event of a problem or question. The coach is responsible for team discipline, player substitution, and game tactics. Other LASA coaches may participate from time to time in your team practices and games.

It is desirable, although not always possible, to have at least one assistant coach for each team. If the head coach is not in attendance, the assistant coach will take over their responsibilities. Players and parents are expected to show the same respect they show the head coach to the assistant coach.

Training Sessions

Practices are typically 2 days per week, and last approximately 1.5-2 hours long.  

Practice location and times are determined by the coaches for each team.  Practices will typically start in August for the fall season, and again in March for the spring season.  All players are expected to be at all practice, games, and team events. If for any reason you are not able to be at a team event, you MUST notify the coach and team manager at least 24 hours before the event. If a coach is not notified before the team event, it is considered an unexcused absence and may affect future playing time.

Players are encouraged to participate in other soccer experiences available, such as winter indoor, summer camps, or clinics.  


LASA follows the US Soccer Guidelines, Player Development Initiatives & Structure to ensure we are practicing the most up to date and current methods for player and team development. The travel program has adopted a philosophy and methodology that is focused on developing creative, confident players.  Through fast-paced and intensive practice sessions focused on one v. one, two v. two, and small-sided games, players will learn to master the most crucial aspects of the game while maximizing efficiency of training.  Healthy competition during practice sessions will motivate players to give 100% effort.  Coaches will encourage players to create space and opportunity on the field, and reward effort over results both in practice sessions and in games.  We strive to build an environment that allows players to build a love of the game that motivates them to play.

VPSL West League and Games

LASA travel teams play in the Western Division of the Virginia Premier Soccer League (VPSL).  The teams are divided into brackets within the division and can change from year to year.  The schedule consists of approximately 8 league games.   Matches are held on the weekend, Saturday or Sunday at the playing locations discretion.  The VPSL West League tries to create a situation where a team does not need to travel more than 3 hours to an opposing team’s facility (most games are between 1-2 hours away).  During the season, we may also schedule friendlies with travel teams that live nearby.


Tournaments are part of the travel soccer experience.  Travel teams will participate in at least one local tournament per season (Fall and Spring), the cost of which is covered by the fees. If a team wishes to participate in additional tournaments, they will be responsible for raising the funds to do so.  LASA travel players will be expected to provide their own means of transportation and sleeping accommodations if necessary.


Playing Time

LASA believes that player development is our first priority, and will not be compromised by the need to win a game.  Our coaches will strive to allow equal playing time in each game, and create a healthy competitive atmosphere during practice sessions to motivate young players.


Coaches and team managers will have an open dialogue with players and parents/guardians.  All practice and game information will be communicated clearly through group email and text messages.  If parents/guardians have an issue they would like to address, the preferred method of communication is through email with the coach or team manager first.  If the issue cannot be resolved, it can be brought to the Travel Coordinator and the LASA Board of Directors.


Coaches are not to have personal communications directly with players through email or text message regarding anything other than soccer.  There should always be two adults present during practices, games, or travel if your child is with someone other than a parent.  

Practices will be canceled if lightning is detected within 30 miles of the field.  If Parks and Rec closes fields due to conditions, coaches must comply.


All players and parents will be expected to sign a LASA Code of Conduct.  Disciplinary action will be taken if this code of conduct is broken.  The first offense is a verbal warning, the second offense will include a meeting with the player and their parent/guardian, and the third offense may involve the player being removed from the team.  A player may not attend practice and home games if suspended or expelled from school.


Team fundraising activities provide an opportunity for teams to raise funds to help offset teams costs such as team-specific equipment, travel costs, or tournament fees not paid for by LASA.  If teams are interested in Fundraising, they must follow LASA's Fundrasisng Policy and Guidelines.


For further information or any questions about the travel program, please reach out to our travel team coordinator at